Tania Ulloa-Olavarrieta - Erin Roddy - Ruth Thurgood Central to their positioning was an acute definition of the target audience. Asolo is an Italian hiking boot manufacturer. They are well regarded in the rarified air of elite hikers and mountain climbers, but lack awareness among the general public. The team identified a positioning that focused on a very specific target audience, "the dirty hiker". The Dirty Hiker doesn't pursue fame (North Face) or try to save the earth (Patagonia), but rather enjoys the challenge of tangling with everything mother nature can give. Their rallying cry, Limitless Possibilities, captured that voice and provided the creative inspiration for all the branding elements. For some reason I gave them a B on the assignment. They politely disagreed. And after reviewing the work, I sheepishly changed it to an A. I've used it as a case study example ever since.